'Remember me' stores your User ID on this computer. You should not use this feature on public computers. This will clear your Bing search history on this device. You can't undo it. Note: Opinions are not final until any timely filed motions for rehearing are considered and disposed of by the Court. These opinions are also subject to revision before publication in the Southern Reporter, 3rd Series. V-Net: Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation Fausto Milletari, Nassir Navab, Seyed-Ahmad Ahmadi Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been recently employed to solve problems from both the computer vision and medical image analysis fields. AMANR5L15PO717460BTC1175P0D1N0461391399 15 792 792 AN 0 EXANR5L15PO717460BTC1175P0D1 PRJLANR5L15BTC1175 daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats.
COVID-19 Information
If you have symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath, call us first before going to a clinic, urgent care center, or emergency room at 317-554-0000, option 2. Calling first helps us protect you, medical staff, and other patients.
All Veterans and authorized caregivers/visitors will receive a surgical mask upon entry to any of our healthcare facilities. Individuals must wear this mask to cover their nose and mouth during their visit.
If you would like to get tested for COVID-19, contact your primary care provider by calling the Patient Response Center at 317-988-1772, option 2 or send a secure message via MyHealtheVet at www.myhealth.va.gov.
Virtual appointments are available through VA Video Connect. With Video Connect, you can meet with your VA provider using your digital device.
What should I do if I have not been to the VA previously?
New patients should contact our Health Benefits Unit for enrollment at 317-988-4301. Veterans can also enroll on-line at www.va.govhealth-care.
Flu Information
FLU INFORMATION PAGE – Flu shots for Veteran Patients will be given until March 2021.
Veteran Flu Clinic
Located in the Specialty Clinic 1, Waiting Area, Room A-1252
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Learn more »

Local Features

Inside Veterans Health

Please turn JavaScript on in your browser to view this content or visit the Inside Veterans Health section of VA's blog, VAntage Point.
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Acronym | Definition |
V | Visa (credit card) |
V | Volt |
V | Verb |
V | Vatican (international automobile identification) |
V | Velocity or speed |
V | 5 (Roman numeral) |
V | Video |
V | Version |
V | We |
V | Value |
V | Vegan |
V | Voice |
V | Very |
V | Vector |
V | Virtual |
V | Vision |
V | Volume |
V | Valley |
V | Single Connection (relative to Net access) |
V | Vice |
V | Vacation |
V | Victoria |
V | Visitors |
V | Vehicle |
V | Vital |
V | Victory |
V | Variable |
V | Versus |
V | Verse |
V | Voltage (physics) |
V | Victor (aviation letter code) |
V | Variant |
V | Venturi |
V | Verso |
V | Velocity |
V | Vide (Latin: see) |
V | Vanadium |
V | Vegetarian (food labeling) |
V | Vomiting |
V | Valor (military award medals) |
V | Ventilation |
V | British Columbia (postal code designation, Canada) |
V | Vessels (blood) |
V | Gas Flow |
V | Valine (amino acid) |
V | Vivendi Universal (stock symbol) |
V | Vendetta (comic) |
V | Veto (as in V-chips on televisions) |
V | Viscount |
V | Varsity |
V | Vowel |
V | Vecka (Swedish: Week) |
V | Visual Acuity |
V | Vitreous |
V | Vänsterpartiet (Swedish political party) |
V | Violini (catalog of Graf zeppelin mail; philately) |
V | Canadian Vickers (aircaraft mark) |
V | Sector Pattern (US DoD) |
V | Velocity of Target Drift (US DoD) |
V | VTOL/STOL (US military aircraft vehicle type designation) |
V | Peak Hour Flows (peak hour forecast traffic flows) |
V | Search and Rescue Unit Ground Speed (US DoD) |
V | US DoT tire speed rating (150 mph) |
V | Vanessa Hudgens music album (Disney Channel star) |
V | V-Band: 40 GHz-75 GHz frequency band |
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V Stock
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