Slots At Waitrose
Customers can visit and pre-book a slot at 111 stores across the country, up to seven days in advance of their visit. They will receive a confirmation email once they’ve booked and will be sent a reminder 24 hours in advance of their slot. Buy quality groceries and wine from Waitrose & Partners. Free delivery on every online order. Over 6000 recipes and local store information.
DEMAND for home grocery delivery is at an all time high after the outbreak of coronavirus resulted in the government imposing a lockdown on Brits.Waitrose is one of the supermarkets committed to providing home delivery services during the lockdown.
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Does Waitrose do home delivery?
Waitrose offers home delivery to customers who spend £60 or more.
As a result of the outbreak of coronavirus, the supermarket has decided it will give the most vulnerable and the elderly priority for home delivery.
'We will shortly be starting to offer our elderly and vulnerable customers priority access to our delivery slots.
'We’re currently working through the complex detail of this and we’re doing all we can as quickly as we can, so please bear with us,' a statement released by the supermarket reads.

What time are Waitrose's delivery slots released?
Waitrose does release delivery slots at specific times.
However, customers have been advised to check regularly and keep trying for slots.
You may have to wait a couple of days for delivery.
Jessica Simms, brand partner and communications officer told The Sun: 'We're increasing slots significantly – by next week this will reach 20 per cent extra compared to usual.'
'We've committed at least 25 per cent of our orders to elderly and vulnerable customers, who we're in the process of contacting to offer slots.'
She added: 'We have more than 10K extra people-hours than usual each week picking orders (nearly a 50 per cent increase), and hundreds of extra drivers.'
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Booking Shopping Slots At Waitrose
Does Waitrose have restrictions on any items ordered online?
Waitrose has imposed item restrictions for customers who shop in stores and online too.
Customers will be limited to a maximum of three on any grocery item.
Booking Slots At Waitrose
Also, for toilet paper, customers will be limited to two items.
For online customers, the supermarket said: 'If you are shopping on, our temporary cap measures are still in place on grocery items, we have introduced a temporary cap on certain items, including some anti-bacterial soaps and wipes, tissues, pasta, milk and canned goods.
What has Waitrose said about its response to coronavirus?
Waitrose has assured customers it is working hard to meet their needs.
The supermarket stated: 'We know this time of great uncertainty is having a huge impact on our lives, and we want to let you know we are doing all we can to help our customers.
'We are continually monitoring the guidelines and advice provided by the UK Government and Public Health England and are committed to making the right decisions for our customers and Partners.'

Waitrose has also advised customers to frequently check their website for updates and any queries as it is keeping its phone lines free for its most vulnerable customers.
Slots At Waitrose Casino
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